January: Myers & Myers CPAs
February: The Nook
March: N/A Due to Quarantine
April: N/A Due to Quarantine
May: First National Bank of Beardstown
June 2021: The 220
July 2021: El Publeito
August 2021: Moreland and Devitt
September 2021: Colwell Memorial Home
October 2021: S & R Marine
November 2021: Lemonade Boutique
December 2021: N/A
January 2022: Osmer Enterprises
February 2022: Community Hope and Recovery
March 2022: N/A
April 2022: Rosebud & Co
August 2021: Moreland and Devitt Pharmacy
September 2021: Colwell Memorial Home
October 2021: S & R Marine